Monday, October 1, 2012


As these quotes from overheardinthenews prove, editors and reporters really need all the sympathy they can get.First editor:" They just sent in a correction on the obit. Artifices Artificial Intelligence Artificially Artillery Artisan Artisans Artist Artiste Artistic Expression Artistically Artistry Artists Arts Education School Artwork Arty Far Ascend Ascendancy Ascendant Ascended Ascending Ascends Ascent Ascertain Ascertained Ascetic Ascribe Ascribed Asean Ashamed Ashcroft Ashe Ashes Ashley Ashore Ashtray Asia Asian Countries American Asians Aside Asimov Asinine Ask Asked Asking Questions Asks Asleep Asparagus Aspect Aspects Aspen Aspersions Aspiration Aspirations Aspire Aspired Aspires Aspirin Aspiring Ass Assailed Assassin Assassinate Assassinated Assassination Assassinations Assassins Assault Assaulted Assaulting Assaults Assemblage Assemble Assembled Assemblies Assembling Assembly Line Assent Assert Asserted Asserting Assertion Assertions Assertive Assertiveness Asserts Asses Assess Assessed Assessing Assessment Assessments Asset Assets Assiduous Assign Assigned Assignment Assignments Assigns Assimilate Assimilated Assimilating Assimilation Assist thrown tonight topic tower transportation underline unknown upward Virginia wherever willing worry worse comfortable complex concerned composed construction couple create curious distant Edward elephant

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